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  • jkabtech 12:53 pm on January 5, 2020 Permalink |
    Tags: company, Flaws, Hijacking, , , , , , ,   

    Logitech Wireless Keyboards, Mice Vulnerable to Hijacking Flaws, Company Won’t Patch All: Report 

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  • jkabtech 4:17 am on April 28, 2018 Permalink |
    Tags: , company, , Rebranding, ,   

    Windows Store Is Now Microsoft Store as Company Begins Rebranding 

    Highlights Microsoft has rebranded Windows Store to Microsoft Store The change is live for Windows 10 beta testers Microsoft may have plans to expand Microsoft Store offerings

    Microsoft has quietly rebranded Windows Store, the flagship store for apps and games, to Microsoft Store. The rechristening comes as part of a software update the company pushed to some Windows 10 Insiders (beta testers).

    Besides the name, nothing much has changed as part of the rebranding, news site MSPowerUser reported on Friday. Users will, however, notice a new logo for the Microsoft Store, which instead of Windows logo, now has Microsoft logo. Users who haven’t signed up for Windows Insider program won’t see the change yet. We’ve reached out to Microsoft to comment on the reasons for the rebranding, and will update this copy once we hear back.

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  • jkabtech 4:17 am on March 1, 2018 Permalink |
    Tags: company, Explains, Hasn't, , Lately, , , Xiaomi's   

    Xiaomi’s Manu Jain Explains Why the Company Hasn’t Launched Any Tablet in India Lately 

    Highlights Xiaomi hasn’t refreshed its tablet lineup in India in three years Company’s top executive today offered an explanation He also talked about the Mi TV, and Mi Notebook Air laptop

    Xiaomi has no immediate plans to launch a refreshed Mi Pad tablet in India, Manu Kumar Jain said on Thursday. The reason? Not enough people in India seem to care for a tablet.

    Every market is different, and at least in India, people didn’t respond very well to the first tablet Xiaomi launched in the country three years ago, Jain said, adding that in general, the craze for tablets is very low in India. This is why, he said, Xiaomi didn’t refresh the tablet lineup in India.

    But at the same time, Xiaomi is exploring whether the Mi Notebook Air, is the right fit for the nation, he said. Jain added, however, that even the PC market has been slow in India for sometime.

    When asked about the Mi TV series, the thin, low-priced television lineup from the company, Jain told Gadgets 360 that the company is looking at it, but there are several challenges that it needs to work out first before it could bring it to India.

    Among those challenges are Xiaomi’s warehouses, which are at present not best suited to store the inventory, Jain said. The company would also need to figure out the right content catalogue to bundle along with the TV, he added.

    Some of the content will come from Hungama Digital Media Entertainment, in which Xiaomi invested last year. But much of the strategy is yet to be worked out, he said. There is no firm timeline he could share how soon the company could launch the Xiaomi Mi TV series in India.

    For the latest tech news and reviews, follow Gadgets 360 on Twitter, Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    Tags: Xiaomi, Xiaomi India, Xiaomi Mi TV, Xiaomi TV, Mi TV, Mi Pad, Tablets, India, Xiaomi Mi Notebook

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  • jkabtech 12:17 pm on November 7, 2017 Permalink |
    Tags: Abigail, company, , Fidelity, Johnson,   

    Fidelity CEO Abigail Johnson says the company is mining cryptocurrencies 

    Fidelity Investments, one of the world’s largest investment firms with $2.3 trillion in managed assets, is taking a long look at cryptocurrencies.

    The firm has been experimenting internally with bitcoin, but is now bringing some of those features out to its broad customer base.

    According to reports in Quartz and The Financial Times, Fidelity’s chief executive, Abigail Johnson, spoke at length about the company’s commitment to cryptocurrency at Consensus, a bitcoin-themed conference in New York.

    Johnson said that the company had made several venture investments in bitcoin-related businesses and that the company was looking at applications of blockchain technologies alongside several leading universities.

    According to Quartz, Fidelity has also set up a small mining operation inside the asset manager

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