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  • jkabtech 4:17 am on March 23, 2018 Permalink |
    Tags: Blurry, , , DPI-Scaling, High-Res, , ,   

    Windows 10 Preview Build Gets DPI-Scaling Fix, Removes Blurry Apps on High-Res Displays 

    Highlights Microsoft has released it latest preview build for Insiders Blurry apps now auto-scale by relaunching the app Improved Action Center lets you quickly see notifications

    Microsoft on Friday released a new Windows 10 Insider Preview build that solves an issue that has been nagging Windows users with high-resolution display. The latest Windows 10 Insider Preview build 16237 changes how the system reacts to DPI adjustments. Users will no longer have to log out and log back in to fix blurry desktop apps, which are mostly related to old Win32 apps, after docking, undocking, and remoting.

    Presently, if a user changes the resolution of a display by docking/ undocking or via Settings, the scaling gets reflected throughout the apps only by logging out of the account and then back in. However, with the latest build, Microsoft is cutting down that process and will adjust the scaling by simply relaunching the the app to render them crisply on your 4K display or high DPI display, the company says in its blog post.

    This will solve the issue for most legacy apps, but not all as yet, and one will have to wait for those apps to get updated to respond to DPI change. Microsoft says that the apps will get updated DPI-related data from Windows when restarting them individually rather than having to log out and back in, which is a lot more annoying and cumbersome. The company has also noted that the change won’t improve apps that are blurry on secondary displays when in “extend” display mode.

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  • jkabtech 4:17 am on February 18, 2018 Permalink |
    Tags: Blurry, Reconstructing   

    Reconstructing a Blurry QR Code 

    attempted to use a QR code containing a private key to give away some cryptocurrency on TV, but the code was blurred out by the broadcaster. Not ones to give up easily,

    View the Original article

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